22 Feb

How AI In Marketing Is Unleashing Revenue Growth

Daniel Trillo

In today's highly competitive market, enterprises need to constantly look for innovative ways to stand out from the crowd and continually grow their revenue. Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a game-changer in the world of marketing, providing businesses with powerful tools to gain a deeper understanding of customers, personalise their offerings, and optimise their campaigns for maximum impact. By leveraging the capabilities of AI, companies can gain a competitive edge, attract new customers, and foster long-term loyalty.

In this blog, we will explore the various ways in which companies can utilise AI in their marketing strategies to unlock new revenue streams. We will provide real-life examples of AI tools and platforms, and showcase real-life use cases of companies that have successfully used AI to drive revenue growth.

If you're seeking to stay ahead of the curve, this blog will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies to help you harness the power of AI in your marketing. So, let's dive in and discover how you can leverage AI to drive revenue and take your business to the next level.

1) Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation is essential to every marketing plan. It involves dividing a company's customer base into specific groups, allowing businesses to target their marketing efforts more effectively. By using AI, companies can identify common characteristics, behaviours, and preferences among their customers, and use this information to tailor their marketing campaigns.

Example tools:

- Salesforce Marketing Cloud: uses AI to identify customer segments and provides personalised marketing experiences.

- IBM Watson Customer Experience Analytics: helps businesses analyse customer behaviour and provides in-depth insights on customer segments.

Company examples in action:

- Sephora: this beauty & cosmetics retailer uses AI for analysing customer purchase history and behaviour to segment its customer base, and then personalise their marketing exposure. This has helped Sephora increase customer loyalty and revenue.

- Spotify: uses AI-powered customer segmentation to create personalised playlists for their users. The music streaming platform analyses user behaviour to recommend songs and curate playlists that align with their musical preferences, helping Spotify grow its user base.

2) Ad targeting and retargeting

Ad targeting and retargeting are essential to successful advertising campaigns. By leveraging AI, businesses can analyse customer data and serve ads to the right people at the right time, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Example tools:

- Google Ads: uses AI to target ads to specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviour.

- AdRoll: uses AI to analyse customer data and retarget ads to customers who have shown interest in a particular product or service.

Company examples in action:

- Airbnb: uses AI to serve ads to customers who have previously searched for accommodation but have not yet booked a stay. This approach has helped the company increase its conversion rate and revenue.

- Domino's Pizza: uses AI to analyse customer behaviour and serve targeted ads for specific products based on past orders. This approach has helped the company increase sales and customer loyalty.

3) Automated lead generation

Lead generation is an essential part of any marketing strategy to support sales, but it can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. Utilising AI, companies may automate the lead-generating process and free up resources for other goals like branding and public relations.

Example tools:

- Leadfeeder: uses machine learning to analyse website visitor behaviour and identify potential leads for B2B businesses.

- Rev: uses AI to build and prioritise target account lists of prospects that most resemble your best customers.

Company examples in action:

- ADP: the provider of payroll and human resource management tools, uses automated lead generation to find sales leads from social media.

- DocuSign: leverages automated lead generation to identify potential customers by tracking download activity, website visits, and email engagements. DocuSign can then provide personalised content and messaging to prospects, helping to move them down the sales funnel and ultimately convert them into paying customers.

4) Marketing automation

Marketing automation involves using technology to automate marketing tasks such as email marketing and social media management, which help with scaling up lead generation. By leveraging AI, businesses can streamline their marketing efforts and save time and resources.

Example tools:

- HubSpot: an all-in-one marketing automation platform that offers tools for lead generation, email marketing, social media, CRM etc.

- Marketo: uses AI to automate marketing tasks and provide personalised experiences to customers.

Company examples in action:

- Amazon: uses marketing automation to send personalised email campaigns to their customers. By analysing customer behaviour and purchase history, Amazon can send targeted product recommendations and offers to increase customer retention and revenue.

- Ticketmaster: the ticketing and event management company uses marketing automation to create targeted campaigns and deliver personalised rewards, based on customer data such as purchase history and browsing behaviour. Ticketmaster has been able to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its marketing efforts, resulting in increased revenue growth.

5) Automated content creation

Creating high-quality content can be a time-consuming process, but it is essential for any successful marketing strategy. By leveraging AI, businesses can automate the content creation process and produce high-quality content more efficiently.

Example tools:

- ChatGPT: an AI-powered language model that can generate human-like text based on the input provided to it. It can be used for content creation by leveraging its ability to generate high-quality text at scale.

- Wordsmith: an alternative tool that uses AI to generate written content, such as news articles and product descriptions.

Company examples in action:

- BuzzFeed: the digital media company uses ChatGPT to generate specific content for their site, including quizzes.

- The Associated Press: uses Wordsmith to automate the creation of earnings reports. This has helped the company increase its output of earnings reports while reducing the time and resources required to produce them.

6) Personalised recommendations

Personalised recommendations can be a powerful tool for increasing customer engagement and sales. By leveraging AI, businesses can analyse customer data and provide personalised recommendations based on customer behaviour and preferences.

Example tools:

- Adobe Target: a personalisation platform that offers tools for A/B testing, recommendations, and customer journey optimization.

- Amazon Personalize: uses AI to provide personalised product recommendations to customers.

Company examples in action:

- McDonald's: uses AI to provide personalised recommendations through its mobile app. By analysing customer data and behaviour, the company can provide tailored offers and discounts, resulting in higher customer loyalty and sales.

- Netflix: uses machine learning algorithms to analyse user data such as viewing history and watch time, to provide personalised content recommendations to its users. This allows Netflix to suggest new TV shows and films that a user is more likely to enjoy, increasing the chances that the user will continue to subscribe to the service.

7) Predictive analytics

With predictive analytics, businesses can analyse customer data and behaviour to predict future trends and make more informed marketing decisions.

Example tools:

- Google Analytics: uses machine learning to analyse website traffic and user behaviour.

- IBM Watson Analytics: a data analysis platform that uses machine learning to make predictions about customer behaviour and trends.

Company examples in action:

- Starbucks: uses predictive analytics to forecast which products will sell well at different times of the day. By analysing customer data, Starbucks can adjust their inventory and staffing to ensure that they are providing the best customer experience.

- BMW: leverages predictive analytics to create their future car designs, as they strive to continue leading sales charts in the premium car segment.

8) Real-time optimisation

Real-time optimisation involves using data and analytics to make real-time adjustments to marketing campaigns. By leveraging AI, businesses can make informed decisions and optimise their marketing efforts in real time.

Example tools:

- Optimizely: uses AI to optimise website and mobile app experiences in real time.

- Adobe Marketing Cloud: uses AI to optimise marketing campaigns in real time.

Company examples in action:

- Expedia: uses real-time optimisation to adjust hotel pricing based on customer demand, thereby helping them to maximise revenue.

- Uber: also dynamically adjusts its pricing based on supply and demand. Its algorithms utilise real-time data on rider demand and driver supply to determine the optimal price point that will maximise revenue for the company, while also providing a fair fare for riders.

9) Chatbots

Chatbots involve using AI to provide automated customer service and support. By leveraging chatbots, businesses can provide fast and efficient customer service, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

Example tools:

- LivePerson: uses AI to provide chatbot-based customer service and support.

- Intercom: also gives AI-powered customer support.

Company examples in action:

- H&M: uses chatbots to offer automated customer assistance, meaning customers have an additional avenue where they can find quick and effective customer support for orders and returns enquiries.

- Lufthansa: the German airline uses chatbots to assist customers with getting flight information and booking flights, helping increase customer satisfaction by offering a faster route to managing their travel queries and bookings.

10) Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis involves using AI to analyse customer feedback and determine customer sentiment towards a product or brand. By leveraging sentiment analysis, businesses can make more informed decisions about their products and services, and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

Example tools:

- Hootsuite Insights: uses AI to analyse social media conversations and determine consumer sentiment.

- Brandwatch: uses AI to analyse customer feedback and determine customer sentiment.

Company examples in action:

- Apple: uses sentiment analysis to stay on top of trends and changes in consumer preferences, helping them to stay ahead of the competition and continue driving new revenue growth.

- Procter & Gamble: P&G also uses sentiment analysis to influence the focus of their advertising campaigns, helping them with staying top-of-mind in their markets and continuously growing sales.

Final Thoughts

The fierce competition in today's market demands that companies adopt innovative strategies to differentiate themselves and sustain revenue growth. AI has revolutionised marketing by providing businesses with robust tools to understand their customers better, tailor their offerings, and optimise their campaigns. With the power of AI, companies can gain a competitive edge, attract new customers, and nurture long-term loyalty.

This blog has explored various ways that enterprises can leverage AI to drive revenue growth, citing real-life examples. By adopting these strategies, enterprises can harness the potential of AI and open up new growth opportunities. If you’re seeking to stay ahead of the curve, implement AI-powered marketing to take your business to the next level.

There are potential hurdles that enterprises can face however with marketing data - check out our blog on the biggest marketing data challenges and how to overcome them.

And if you’re seeking help with successfully implementing AI in your marketing to drive business growth (or if you’re already on your AI journey and are wondering how to accelerate it) - reach out to us for a chat.

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