7 Jun

Views from AWS Summit London 2023: Unleashing the Power of AI and Data

Michael Chalmers

What a day at AWS Summit London! It’s been really busy and so high energy, plus awesome to witness the shared enthusiasm for technological advancements and the potential they hold for businesses across industries.

During the keynote talk, it was unsurprising to see a strong emphasis on the advances being made with Generative AI. The transformative capabilities on offer are immense, whether that be from automating creative outputs, personalising customer experiences, accelerating decision-making, and much more. There’s no doubt Generative AI will empower organisations to unlock new business opportunities and maintain a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving landscape.

As I chatted to customers, I discovered a recurring theme that resonated deeply with me and what we do at Mesh-AI. While everyone is eager to use Generative AI, many enterprises face challenges when it comes to implementation in their businesses and being able to leverage it effectively. Countless organisations are unsure of where to start or are grappling with issues surrounding their data infrastructure. Establishing trust, transparency, and accessibility with their data remains a significant hurdle.

Two key themes dominated conversations with customers and partners: harnessing the power of Generative AI, and becoming more data-driven as an organisation.

It's clear that the cutting-edge capabilities from data & AI hold tremendous promise. However, bridging the gap between ambition and realisation requires organisations to change how they work with data, including having an end-to-end data strategy and federating their data governance. By adopting data mesh for example, enterprises can decentralise, democratise, and productise data in a federated model so it can be accessed by anyone who needs to in the organisation, as and when they need it. Treating data as a product is a fundamental shift that opens the door to widespread data innovation and advanced AI use cases across the organisation. Only then, can organisations truly unleash the full potential of Generative AI and reimagine their business.

Another crucial aspect that shouldn't be overlooked is the need for AI initiatives to be strategically aligned with unleashing business outcomes. Our conversations revolved around achieving tangible results, such as revenue growth and cost savings. It's not enough to embrace AI for the sake of innovation alone. Instead, we must focus on how AI can become a powerful driver for sustainable success.

Mesh-AI has a proven track record in reimagining how enterprises operate, making data and AI their competitive advantage. Need help turning your enterprise into a data-driven and AI-enabled organisation? Get in touch with me here.

Also, take a look at our AI & ML accelerator to supercharge your transformation efforts.

‍Have a listen to our podcast on Generative AI and the role of Regulation and its future.

And have a read of our blog on The Most Powerful Data Trends Enterprises Need to Know About.

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