19 Oct

‘The Hype isn’t Going Anywhere, and for Good Reason’: Key Takeaways from our Research Report Launch Event

Tom Jenkin

We hosted an event with more than 50 business and technology leaders on the rooftop bar and terrace at 100 Shoreditch for a deep dive into the results of our research report, The State of AI in the Enterprise

We heard from Mesh-AI Chief Customer Officer Ben Saunders on the opportunities enterprises are seeing in AI and the challenges they’re facing on the road to adoption. He delivered insights such as:

  • AI is crucial to 90% of organisations, but only 7% have the in-house skills to innovate at speed and scale
  • While only 38% of enterprises think they’ve reached AI maturity, three-quarters of organisations are seeing positive business outcomes when using AI
  • Despite the importance of AI and its successful implementation, only 12% have fully implemented an AI ethics framework

David Elliot, Head of Solution Architecture at AWS, gave his perspective on the state of AI adoption. He told the room how he’s seen different organisations deploy the technology to support decision making, democratic access to insights and increase efficiencies across the business. Special thanks to AWS for co hosting the event!

“If you thought the speed of change was fast this year, 2024 will continue that trend and the pace will likely increase.”

With over 200+ enterprise leaders answering questions on their journey to AI, our report unlocks insights into the common themes, blockers and challenges that prevent organisations from capitalising on the opportunity of AI. Read the report in full

Are you struggling to see success from your AI endeavours? Looking to develop a stronger ethical framework to guide innovation? Mesh-AI can help you kickstart your AI transformation journey or lend a helping hand to capitalise on the opportunities in front of you.

Find out more.

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